
Memorial Day Weekend

It's interesting to know that the streets of New York City are clear, but this is due to the Memorial Day weekend. People leave the city to enjoy a break from their busy schedules, as many other holidays do allow. Whether you are having a backyard BBQ, sunbathing in the park, or headed to The Hamptons for the weekend, here are a few of my favorite warm-weather inspirations to keep you in the commemorating spirit. Time to whip out the white jeans!









Happy Memorial Day Weekend!


Making ImPRessions

I am a strong believer that everything happens for a reason..good or bad. This posts fortunately, is in light of the good things that (have) happen(ed). Let's just say a bird told another bird and that bird told another bird about me and boom, here I am...in NYC. The people we meet and the relationships we build are vital to making it these days. I don't believe that it is happening but I know that it's happening — 'c'est la vie'. Someone should pinch me for crying out loud!

I begin shortly with a PR firm located in the heart of the city. My first day is pretty soon, and I can hardly contain my excitement. I like that passion is the reason for motivation — or maybe vice versa. No telling where my summer is going to take me, but I am down for the ride.
"Always go with your passions. Never ask yourself if it's realistic or not." - Deepak Chopra